Posted by: Ann Corcoran | August 30, 2012

Could Todd Akin’s misfortune benefit Dan Bongino in Maryland?

Although the bloggers at Legal Insurrection don’t specifically say that in this piece posted last week, the title which begins, “Beyond Missouri….” suggests that may be the case as donors around the country look for the next conservative Senate candidate long-shot in which to invest.  Readers surely remember how the cash flowed to Scott Brown in Massachusetts two years ago!

Everyone knows we must win the Senate. That is a given. I still think Akin has a very good chance in Missouri and maybe even more so now that the national Republican establishment, always squeamish on abortion, landed on him like a big bird, but surely some of the small donors (or large donors!) from around the country will be looking for other places in which to invest.  Could Bongino benefit from a grassroots/small donor wave of enthusiasm?

Before I go to what Legal Insurrection said, be sure to check out Dan Bongino’s latest web ad that Michael Swartz wrote about here at his good Maryland blog—Monoblogue—on Tuesday.   Swartz said the ad only had 150 hits as of his writing.   Now, this morning, I see it has 800, here, so please visit the ad and send it to your friends and try to run up the numbers.

Now back to Legal Insurrection:

In late June, I wrote about the importance of putting Maryland conservative Dan Bongino in the U.S. Senate this November. Last week, he was officially added to the Operation Counterweight final list.  You can donate here.

While Bongino’s race against incumbent Democrat Ben Cardin has received brief glances of national attention along the way, he has been the beneficiary of increasing national spotlight in the last couple of weeks.  With all the troubles caused by the “situation” in Missouri, it is more important than ever that national Republicans help solid candidates like Bongino

Last month, Bongino received a boost in notoriety when Sarah Palin, speaking at a Ted Cruz rally, referenced a stirring speech he gave to the Frederick, Maryland Republican Club. A speech which was featured here as “the speech that could launch him to victory.

Yesterday, Palin went one step further and officially endorsed Bongino for U.S. Senate. In a statement released by Palin, she recognized the dramatic distinction between Bongino and Cardin.

Read it all.

We told you about the Palin and JIM DEMINT endorsements here about ten days ago.

Watch Bongino’s ad,send it to your friends, and check out his upcoming schedule of events.  There is one in Frederick in early September some of you Western Maryland readers might wish to attend (and donate!).

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