Posted by: Ann Corcoran | January 7, 2013

MD CAN conference Saturday in Annapolis—be there!

This year’s Turning the Tide conference is shaping up to be the best one yet!   Click here to see the incredible line-up of speakers—a gathering of experts that you won’t see in one place anywhere in Maryland!  Go to the website and register on-line all week, or drop a check in the mail today.  The registration fee is higher at the door, so it’s best to not wait until the last minute.

And, this is good news!  It snowed for our two previous conferences but the weather forecast for Annapolis on Saturday is for 50-degree weather!

Pass the word!


  1. It’s so predictable that the far left will resort to the Politics of Personal Destruction when you have an agenda that runs contrary to theirs – and as the threat to their agenda grows, the rhetoric gets louder and more base.

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